Have you ever wondered why gaming laptops are generally cheaper than desktops? As a gaming enthusiast, you might be considering purchasing a new gaming system but are torn between a laptop and a desktop. In this article, we’ll explore the factors that contribute to the price difference between gaming laptops and desktops. We’ll also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both options to help you make an informed decision.

Factors that Contribute to the Price Difference

There are several reasons why gaming laptops tend to be less expensive than their desktop counterparts. Some of these factors include:

Smaller Components

Gaming laptops use smaller and more compact components, which often cost less to manufacture than larger desktop components. Additionally, since space is limited within a laptop’s chassis, manufacturers have to be more selective in their choice of components, which can result in lower overall costs.

Integrated Hardware

Many gaming laptops come with integrated hardware, such as a GPU and CPU within a single unit. This integration can lead to cost savings, as manufacturers don’t have to purchase and install separate components. On the other hand, desktops usually have discrete GPUs and CPUs, which can increase costs.

Pre-built vs Customization

Gaming laptops are typically sold as pre-built systems, meaning they come with a specific set of components and features. This allows manufacturers to take advantage of economies of scale and streamline production, resulting in lower prices. In contrast, desktops often allow for greater customization, which can drive up costs due to the need for individual components and assembly.

 Cooling Systems

Desktops generally have more robust cooling systems, which can be more expensive to design and produce. Laptops, on the other hand, have smaller and more cost-effective cooling systems, which can contribute to their lower price.

Advantages of Gaming Laptops

There are several benefits to choosing a gaming laptop over a desktop, including:


Gaming laptops are more portable, allowing you to game on the go or easily transport your system between locations. This can be a significant advantage for gamers who travel frequently or have limited space at home.

Space Efficiency

Due to their compact design, gaming laptops take up less space than desktops. This can be particularly useful for gamers living in smaller apartments or dorm rooms where space is at a premium.

Advantages of Desktops for Gamers

While gaming laptops have their perks, there are also several advantages to choosing a desktop gaming system, such as:

 Customizability and Upgradability

One of the most significant benefits of desktop gaming systems is their customizability and upgradability. You can easily upgrade individual components like the GPU, CPU, RAM, and storage, allowing you to keep your system up-to-date with the latest hardware. This is typically not possible with gaming laptops, which have limited upgrade options.


Desktops generally offer better performance than gaming laptops due to their larger, more powerful components. The increased performance can result in smoother gameplay, higher frame rates, and the ability to run games at higher settings.

 Cooling and Overclocking Potential

Desktops typically have more advanced cooling systems, which can help maintain optimal temperatures during extended gaming sessions. This enhanced cooling can also enable you to overclock your components for additional performance gains. Gaming laptops, on the other hand, usually have limited cooling capabilities and are not well-suited for overclocking.

Making the Right Choice

Ultimately, choosing between a gaming laptop and a desktop comes down to your specific needs and preferences. If portability, space efficiency, and lower power consumption are important factors for you, a gaming laptop might be the better choice. However, if you value customizability, upgradability, and top-notch performance, a desktop gaming system could be the way to go.


In conclusion, gaming laptops are generally cheaper than desktops due to factors such as smaller components, integrated hardware, pre-built systems, and less complex cooling systems. While gaming laptops offer advantages like portability and space efficiency, desktops provide better performance, customizability, and upgradability. Carefully considering your gaming needs and preferences will help you make the right decision between these two options.


Why are gaming laptops cheaper than desktops?

Gaming laptops are generally cheaper than desktops due to factors like smaller components, integrated hardware, pre-built systems, and less complex cooling systems.

Are gaming laptops as powerful as desktops?

While gaming laptops have come a long way in terms of performance, they still tend to lag behind desktops due to their smaller, more compact components.

Can I upgrade my gaming laptop like I can with a desktop?

Gaming laptops typically have limited upgradability compared to desktops. You may be able to upgrade components like RAM and storage, but other components, like the GPU and CPU, are usually not upgradable.

Is a gaming laptop or desktop better for my needs?

The choice between a gaming laptop and desktop depends on your preferences and needs. If you value portability, space efficiency, and lower power consumption, a gaming laptop might be the better choice. If you prioritize customizability, upgradability, and performance, a desktop gaming system may be more suitable.

Do gaming laptops consume less power than desktops?

Yes, gaming laptops generally consume less power than desktops, which can lead to savings on your electricity bill over time.

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